House prices

The average asking house prices in Kilkenny is €222,389 which is:


lower than the national average (€263,000)


lower than Dublin City Centre (€336,285)

4-bedroom house average price
  • in Kilkenny: €215,000
  • in Dublin: €425,000


2-bedroom home average rents
  • in Kilkenny: €643 / month
  • in Dublin: €1,399 / month

New homes


to be built in the western environs of the City


planned for Ferrybank in South Kilkenny

just a short drive from Belview port

€7.4 m

In funding available to deliver a mix of private and rental accommodation at affordable prices in Kilkenny City and Ferrybank.

Perfect for families

Kilkenny is the perfect place to raise a family as all the necessary facilities and amenities are on your doorstep.

Easy commutes

The people of Kilkenny have some of the shortest commutes in Ireland, with 64% travelling 30 minutes or less to work versus 48% of people in Dublin.